Skills & Expertise

Being a Full Stack Developer working in a early stage startup company and building real-time Web Applications on my own, it allowed me to work on almost every part of a Web Application.
Here is a list of skills I have real-time expertise on.

Computer Science Fundamentals

Data Structures And Algorithms - Array, Linked list, Trees, Graphs, Dynamic Programming
Object Oriented Programming (OOPs) - JavaScript


JavaScript           TypeScript           C & C++


Node.js           ExpressJS


MongoDB           Mongoose           Aggregation Pipelines

Cloud Computing

AWS           AWS-SDK           EC2           S3           Lambda           Cloudwatch


Angular 2+           Vanilla JS           Bootstrap           HTML5           CSS3

Handling Production Server

PM2           Apache Server


GIT           MongoDB Charts           MongoDB Compass           Postman           Robo3T           Debugger (Angular & Node.js)           Zeplin (Design)


Tools: Assert, Chai & Mocha           Unit Testing           Integration Testing

Virtual Machines

Virtualbox           Vagrant

AI & ML Tools

OpenAI           AWS Comprehend